Han Kang’s “Human Acts” and the literature of witnessI picked up Han Kang’s 2016 book Human Acts this week, partly because she had just won the Nobel Prize in Literature. But I was not…Oct 28, 20241Oct 28, 20241
On Gaza — how low can the New York Times go?OK, I get it. I’ve always known it, right? Of course the New York Times reflects the consensus of liberal imperialism and slants the news…Sep 4, 202433Sep 4, 202433
Percival Everett’s James and the literature of resistanceHere is a photograph in the Glen Ellyn News from the spring of 1958 — the fifth-grade students were putting on a minstrel show in this…Jun 10, 20241Jun 10, 20241
The kids are All Right: In praise of student activism against genocide.The massive upsurge in US of solidarity with Palestine and sharp criticism of Israel has reached a revolutionary inflection point, a moment…May 6, 20245May 6, 20245
Echoes of the American war in Vietnam — Part 2I previously wrote about the lessons learned from the US war against Vietnam in relation to the current horror of Israeli attacks against…Mar 28, 20241Mar 28, 20241
The SAT again, the monster that would not dieAh, here we go again. One step forward, two steps back. Finally, because of the pandemic, many colleges dropped or made optional the SAT —…Jan 10, 2024Jan 10, 2024
Echoes of the American war in VietnamWe are living in perilous, frustrating, horrendous times. It’s hard to do anything — brush your teeth, take a walk, read a book — without…Nov 11, 20232Nov 11, 20232
Behind the wallsHistory will judge the atrocities committed in Palestine and IsraelOct 23, 20231Oct 23, 20231
We Have No Anti-war MovementOne thing we can be proud of in the US is our long history of anti-war activism, especially in the years after World War II. A massive…May 5, 20236May 5, 20236
A Movement Veteran SpeaksA review of The Movement Made Us by David Dennis Jr. and David Dennis Sr.Jan 19, 20231Jan 19, 20231
The wages of exile — American war resisters in CanadaI turned in my draft card and sent it back to my draft board in October of 1967. The anti-war movement was large and growing — our…Aug 4, 20222Aug 4, 20222
A Life-changing PoemUpon being asked what was my favorite poem, I wrote this:Jul 8, 20221Jul 8, 20221
The times they are a’changing: Abolitionist teaching under attackIt would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. All these manly men of the right whimpering about books their kids are reading, whining…Feb 4, 2022Feb 4, 2022
Reading Freire in San QuentinDuring the doctoral class on Social and Critical Foundations of Education, we are digging into the work of Paolo Freire. For me, it is a…Oct 4, 20211Oct 4, 20211
Recall fever: All these recalls decrease democracyNow that the spurious project to recall Governor Newsom has been defeated, we can step back and review the whole bizarre episode and the…Sep 17, 20211Sep 17, 20211
Educators in the Freedom StruggleA review of Teacher Unions and Social Justice: Organizing for the Schools and Communities our Students DeserveApr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Everyone shouts “Black Lives Matter!” — but heaven forbid we change anythingLast summer was a heady time. Historic, truly epic, protests and even uprisings took place in response to the police murders of George…Feb 23, 20211Feb 23, 20211